About us

Agros Company SA is a company that operates in the agriculture and food sector, with a special vocation for the dairy products.

Thanks to partner companies, it is able to ensure its customers a wide range of dairy products with constant attention to the quality of raw materials and with a flexible logistic system to meet the most varied needs.

Leonardo line

On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the death of the Italian genius par excellence, Agros is pleased to announce two new brands linked to Leonardo da Vinci's operations in their typical production sites.

"Troggia di Leonardo" and "Grigna di Leonardo" evoke the times when the inventor, on behalf of the then lords of Milan, went to Valsassina to carry out a census of the waterways.

A precise reference to the Troggia waterfall, located immediately behind the “Ciresa” factory in Introbio (LC - Italy), can be found in a passage from the Codex Atlanticus. The profile of the Grigna, outlined in sanguine pencil, has also been identified in one of the drawings made by Leonardo. 

Gorgonzola DOP Grigna di Leonardo

Taleggio DOP Troggia di Leonardo

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